Dr. p. Paolo Nicelli is a religious missionary of Pontificio Istituto Missioni Estere (PIME). He lived in USA and in Philippines, in contact with muslim communities of Mindanao Island. He is Director of Silsilah Dialogue Institute a Zamboanga City. He travelled in many Islamic Countries (Algeria, Turkey, Egypt, Malaysia, Indonesia) and  is member of the review Ad Gentes. He works for Islam-Christian dialogue in England and in Italy; teaches at Seminario Teologico Internazionale of PIME, at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano and at Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose di Milano.


Islâm e modernità nel pensiero riformista islamico, Edizioni San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo (Milano) 2009.

 Islam in the Philippines, Encounter, 324-325 (2007), 1-14.

Le origini del pensiero filosofico e politico dell’Islâm – parte prima, Asia News, 169 (2004), 21-28.

L’Islâh nell’Islâm moderno: l’impatto del wahhâbismo sulla riforma islamica,  Asia News, 4 (2003), 21-34.

The Process of Islamization in Malaysia: Its Effects on Malaysian Ethnic and Religious Communities. The Dialogical Approach of Islam Hadhari and «Moderation», in Islamochristiana 34 (2008), 163-177.

الإمام أﺑﻭ حامد الغزاليAl-Ghazâlî, pensatore e maestro spirituale, Editoriale Jaca Book SpA, Milano 2013.  

Al-Ghāzali a thinker and a spiritual master (EN)