
Alice Alunni is a PhD Candidate at the School of Government and International Affairs at Durham University. Her PhD research focuses on theories of nationalism, diaspora and civil society in the Arab World with an emphasis on Libya where she was based in 2013 and 2014. She acquired extensive experience in the past 10 years researching the MENA region – with a focus on Libyan politics, security, economy and society in the last 5 years – and collaborating with private institutes and international organisations such as the British Council, the Overseas Development Institute, the German Marshall Fund, the International Labour Organisation and the SAIS Bologna Institute for Policy Research. As an adviser to the British Council she conducts scoping, evaluative, desk and field research to inform and design regional and country programmes on women and youth empowerment, civil society, peace and security in the Middle East and North Africa.    

Publications by Alice Alunni: 

Alunni, A., Calder, M., and Kappler, S. (forthcoming 2017), Enduring Social Institutions and Civil Societypeacebuilding in Libya and Syria, British Council.

Alunni, A. (2017),’Nuovi Equilibri nello Scacchiere Libico’, Africa e Medio Oriente. Available at:

Alunni, A. and Mezran, K. (2015), ‘Libya: Negotiations for Transition’. In I. William Zartman (ed.), Intifadat. Negotiations in the Shadow of Social Movements. Georgia: Georgia University Press. Available at:

Alunni, A. (2013). ‘Lo scontro politico tra nazionalisti e federalisti in Libia (1951-2011): l’unione fa la forza?’ (The political struggle between nationalists and federalists in Libya (1951-2011): united they stand?). Afriche e Orienti, N.1-2/2013.

Alunni, A. (2012), ‘L’Africa di Gheddafi: tra ideologia e pragmatismo’. In K. Mezran and A. Varvelli (eds.),Libia. Fine o rinascita di una nazione?. Roma: Donzelli Editore.

Reports, articles and data discussed in the video: 

Cherstich, I. (2014), ‘When Tribesmen do not act Tribal: Libyan Tribalism as Ideology (not as Schizophrenia)’, Middle East Critique, vol. 23, 4. pp. 405-421.

Micallef, M. (2017), The Human Conveyor Belt: trends in human trafficking and smuggling in post-revolution Libya. Geneva: Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime. Available at:

The economic and demographic data referred to in the video are from the World Bank Open Data and

#AfricaProject: Focus on Libya, by Alice Alunni.